Bring Up Nebraska’s Statewide Plan for Community Well-Being

Nebraska will have the most robust Community Well-Being prevention model in the nation by 2025.

Nebraska's Goals

By 2025, we will...

  1. Improve authentic collaboration between lived experience partners, system partners, local school districts, and community collaboratives and community members.
  2. Increase community collaborative infrastructure that leads to equitable well-being outcomes.
  3. Improve services and supports that build Protective and Promotive Factors in children, youth, families, and communities, including:
    1. Education, postsecondary education, and career services and support for children, youth, families, and communities hosted both inside and outside of the traditional school day.
    2. Supports and services for youth/young adults and young parents/families.
    3. Access to and increased capacity of early childhood services in communities.
    4. Access to and increased capacity of physical and behavioral health services in communities.
    5. Access to economic stability and concrete support for children, youth, families, and communities.
  4. Strengthen the well-being workforce in Nebraska.

Population-Level Result Areas of Thriving

(strategic-level indicators of thriving):