Community Action Steps

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Our intern, Genesis Acosta, (first generation college student) has invited our partners to work with UNK Latino Leaders in providing training. In 2024, staff assisted in bringing bi-lingual mental health training and promotive/protective factor training for latino middle schools students. This event is planned in 2025 and we will work in partnership with UNK. In addition, the UNK Latino Leaders are asking for support in early 2025 to support a conference for all UNK Students. There has also been some conversations about developing a list of Latino business owners in Buffalo County that could be promoted and utilized by our partners to do business with local businesses. The organization also conducts a READI survey of all volunteers asking for a volunteer to share their lived and learned experiences as well as ethnic and cultural backgrounds to help build an organization that represents the community it serves. The READI survey asks for experience in head injury, disabilities, languages, parenting, fostering, substance misuse, mental health and many other areas where a volunteer could bring their lived experience and a voice in community decision making.

Activity Information
Martha Marfileno


We use the ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) prevention chart as a foundational tool in focus groups to highlight the intersection of culture and ACEs prevention strategies. Incorporate discussions on how cultural strengths and community support systems can mitigate ACEs. Youth and Families Thrive trainings hosted/trained/partnered;

Activity Information
JoAnn Gieselman


We are committed to building an upwardly mobile workforce with local talent by providing credible, meaningful, consistent and affordable professional development opportunities that results in an extraordinary service system.

Activity Information
Connor Wilburn


Empowering Families, UNL Panhandle Research and Extension District, and Panhandle Partnership are working collaboratively to design programming to increase our community's level of belonging. As part of Panhandle Partnership’s Training Academy, we host the Welcoming Communities Conference, focused on providing professionals and community leaders from our rural community a forum for awareness, dialogue, and skill-building. We believe this experience will help create welcoming and inclusive environments within all facets of our community. The project includes the development of a community-wide strategic plan to increase belonging in the Panhandle and ongoing training opportunities throughout the year. This project considers racial equity and leadership development by educating local professionals and decision-makers on ways to change their systems, policies, and procedures to ensure they are equitable and inclusive of all community members, including working families and children. Lastly, this project will engage the community when designing its programming, which will help increase the sense of ownership in creating a community centered on belonging.

Activity Information
Maricia Marquez


Recognizing the unique circumstances of Native American communities and the great need for enhanced awareness and adoptation of evidence-based approached, we partnered with the STRYDD Center at Northwell Health’s Long Island Jewish Medical Center & Kennedy Krieger Institute to provide training on Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Tailoring Treatment for Youth with Developmental Disabilities to school and community-based behavioral health practicioners. Both the STRYDD Center and the Society of Care are members of the National Child Traumatic Stress Network. Lead work in planning this training was conducted by our key partner Morningstar Counseling & Consultation. Follow-up support from the training will be ongoing.

Activity Information
In Progress
Dr. Anitra Warrior


Recognizing the unique circumstances of Native American communities and the great need for enhanced awareness and adoptation of evidence-based approached, we partnered with the STRYDD Center at Northwell Health’s Long Island Jewish Medical Center & Kennedy Krieger Institute to provide training on Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Tailoring Treatment for Youth with Developmental Disabilities to school and community-based behavioral health practicioners. Both the STRYDD Center and the Society of Care are members of the National Child Traumatic Stress Network. Lead work in planning this training was conducted by our key partner Morningstar Counseling & Consultation. Follow-up support from the training will be ongoing.

Activity Information
In Progress
Dr. Anitra Warrior