Community Action Steps
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The Buffalo County Well-Being Collaborative meets quarterly and refreshes the membership of the six key components of the collaborative. This body of work can be found at The Collaborative revisits the foundation at each meeting, promotes the elements through reinforcing language throughout all communication and offered training for new volunteers. The foundation of the collaborative is built on collective impact, results-based accountability, wellness indicators (data), community gaps, infrastructure and a shared vision.
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*Monthly meetings with local organizations to share resources, discuss needs, and provide training opportunities to improve knowledge of resources and promote protective factors in stabilizing local families
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*Monthly updates on services available through Families 1st Partnership. *Explain value of FindHelp to faith-based organizations.
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Central Navigation and Family Coaching Manual: Developed a comprehensive procedural manual to guide the Central Navigation system and Family Coaching services, ensuring consistent and effective support for families. Family Coach Training: Trained Family Coaches in the Youth and Families Thrive model, equipping them with the tools to support families in overcoming barriers and building resilience. Onboarding Training: Created a structured training program for new hires, focusing on core competencies in community well-being and prevention to ensure staff are prepared and aligned with GCC’s mission.
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Central Navigation and Family Coaching Manual: Developed a comprehensive procedural manual to guide the Central Navigation system and Family Coaching services, ensuring consistent and effective support for families. Family Coach Training: Trained Family Coach in the Youth and Families Thrive model, equipping her with the tools to support families in overcoming barriers and building resilience. Onboarding Training: Created a structured training program for new hires, focusing on core competencies in community well-being and prevention to ensure staff are prepared and aligned with GCC’s mission.
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Establish criteria for disbursement of community stabilization funds followed by all community health workers that focuses on gathering objective information from clients and building a plan for future success.
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Stuff the Bus is a program that provides new school supplies and book bags to children in need in Northeast Nebraska at no cost. On an average, yearly we surive 300 children in surrounding communitites. We partner with Salvation Army to coordinate the event.
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We are committed to building an upwardly mobile workforce with local talent by providing credible, meaningful, consistent and affordable professional development opportunities that results in an extraordinary service system.
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Sandhills Collab. participated in local toy drives in our communities that we serve and gave toys out to organizations to give to families and children in need.
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Create slide show to on board new board members to better understand the collaborative and how it works.
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