Related Community Action Steps

Strategy: Community Collaboratives lead/participate in community efforts to expand high quality early childhood opportunities and home and center-based childcare.

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Activity Number / ID: C-ACT-1017
Details: The groups mission is to improve the lives of young children and their families through advocacy, collaboration, empowerment, and resource development. Additionally, specific to the community of Schuyler, the community is mobilized to close the gap of children not in licensed, quality care with a goal of developing a new childcare center breaking ground end of 2025.
Lead: Kim Parsons, Hailey Crumley, Roberta Miksch
Status: In Progress
To be completed by: N/A

Activity Number / ID: C-ACT-1016
Details: The group's role is to examine a number of Early Childhood-focused initiatives, programs and opportunities and make recommendations to UW and CIN.  The recommendations focus on how to best incorporate, coordinate and support these different efforts.  The group serves as the communication and guidance hub for Early Childhood efforts throughout the four-county region within an overall understanding of community wellbeing.
Lead: Wendy Gwennap
Status: Ongoing
To be completed by: N/A N/A