Related Community Action Steps

Strategy: Develop and implement strategic communication pathways between Community Collaboratives and NE state partners.

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Activity Number / ID: C-ACT-1009
Details: A Housing Leadership Group was convened in late 2023 to work towards integration of housing-stock related efforts in the Hastings area. This group quickly coalesced to cooperatively build a housing dashboard for Hastings, managed by the City of Hastings ( This early win was important when two opportunities came in front of the group, one of which was the chance to participate in the Supportive Housing Tookit planning group initiative of the Nebraska Strategic Housing Framework, Pillar 3. This ties the collaborative together with NIFA, UNL Center on Family and Law, Hall County Housing Authority and other similar initiatives going on throughout the state.
Lead: Kristine Kasperbauer, Artena Thompson, Brady Rhodes
Status: In Progress
To be completed by: 2027 Q4

Activity Number / ID: C-ACT-1004
Details: All collaboratives do this in some way! We have prioritized this strategy as a key driver of engagement: center the collaborative as a one-stop shop to stay informed about and with local/area/statewide partners. Monthly virtual meetings combined with quarterly in-person meetings and robust/engaging agendas seem to be doing the trick. Our agendas are google docs that are open to "commenting" and are often co-created in some way with collaborative partners. The agendas include all the information pertinent to the collaborative, so members do not need to search hard to find relevant information. An example can be seen here:
Lead: Brady Rhodes
Status: Ongoing
To be completed by: N/A N/A