Community Action Steps
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Building on Strategy STRG - 1053, outcomes from the 33 prevention strategies are lifted up to the steering committee and reported in the annual year end Community Well-Being Report of NCFF. A report can be shared by contacting us at
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GCC partners with Source for Siouxland to track data indicators across five focus areas: economic stability, education, health, safety, and quality of life. These indicators inform community planning for the tri-state area (northwestern Iowa, southeastern South Dakota, and northeastern Nebraska). GCC and Source for Siouxland collaborate monthly and present findings biannually to the GCC partnership. Each year, we report progress and use the data to guide future strategies.
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All clients referred to CDHD for services complete standardized intake form based off Prepare tool to gather data on SDOHs. Track progress quarterly on highest needs presented in the community, use this data to help direct service/program development.
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UWLLC, Family Service and CAP met to discuss current state of housing assistance for families. Identified needs, strengths, and areas for improvement.
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We will continue to work with MOEC, the school districts, and AttendanceWorks to collaborate on addressing truancy in our schools at the elementary and middle school levels. During the 2022-2023 school year 20.8% of middle school children and 12.5% of elementary school children were missing more than 20 days of the school year. In our meetings in 2024 we identified the partners that needed to be at the table and started narrowing down the list of reasons children were missing school. We will collectively work to narrow the list down to the top three reasons and we will work together to address these "reasons", work to prevent them from being reasons for future children, and decrease the percentage of children missing more than 20 days.
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Norfolk has secured funding for licensed childcare providers to access to be reimbursed for their professional development hours. This funding ensures that providers don't need to feel the burden of furthering their education while meeting state licensing requirements.
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As we continue to collect data around the Emergency Rental Assistance Program, we have identified that households are not achieving sustainability like we had hoped. We believe this is attributed to the lack of accountability they were required to have in achieving short-term goals through their housing assessments and the lack of coaching that was available to help them be accountable. As families continue to reach out for housing supports (food, utilities, rent, etc.) we will work toward improving our coaching program as we provide coaching to the family to help in reaching sustainability.
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- Community Response is the actions a community takes to develop a system of resources and services which strengthen families, build protective factors, and enhance access to prevention resources. - Community Response dollars are intended to address resource gaps in a community’s existing services and to not supplant these resources. The Community Response process requires the broad-based collaboration of agencies committed working together to access all available resources. - The intended population for Community Response are families with children 0-14 years of age who are at risk for entering higher end systems of care due to an assessed risk of abuse or neglect.
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The Panhandle Coalition for Housing and Homelessness is a collaboration of agencies throughout the Panhandle who are committed to serving homeless or near homeless individuals and families in our community. We are also working together to eliminate and prevent homelessness throughout the Panhandle.
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Build collaboration among agencies, networks, and the broader community to find innovative solutions to improve the quality of life for older youth, especially unconnected youth, in the Panhandle. Coordinate and align services of agencies serving unconnected youth ages 14-25. Partners include: community action, BH providers, public health, schools, community college, economic development, local foundations, youth serving organizations and more.
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