Community Action Steps
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Youth and Parent leaders reviewed and edited the BRIDGE website so that is is understandable and meaningful to the community. This included modifying all the language and simplifying the Charter .
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Live experience and learned experience have been defined. (completed) The definitions are used annually in the Collaborative's READI survey to all volunteers of Buffalo County Community Partners. The data collected is utilized to invite those with defined lived and learned experiences into community conversations that are looking for live experience decision making to lead the work of the Collaborative. The survey is implemented every January. Outcome: In 2024, the survey was used to recruit members to the Community Partners board to ensure the organization represents the community is serves.
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These are guiding documents for the Lived Experience Advisory Partners mentioned in another action step and for other groups or purposeful work that may take shape in the future. Core Elements - we drafted this together with the LEAP group and spent some time on it but it is always something to check and adjust. Potential Agreements - we stole this from someone and may come back to it - potentially good language to use here.
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Identify with current employees to know the value of their lived experience and use this experience to increase the ability to serve and understand what our families are going through to help them in the most compassionate manner as possible. Also, when looking at new staff will consider using lived experience as a plus for those staff members. When hiring our new Life Skills Coach in July 2024, we hired someone with lived experience to add value to our team
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The Thriving Families, Safer Children Team met on 11/29/22 and developed a definition for Lived Experience: Lived experience refers to knowledge gained from experiences of any individual whether they were impacted personally, through family or friends, or by providing services to others.
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