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Strategy: Develop shared language, definition, and principles of "lived experience partnership".

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Activity Number / ID: C-ACT-1008
Details: These are guiding documents for the Lived Experience Advisory Partners mentioned in another action step and for other groups or purposeful work that may take shape in the future. Core Elements - we drafted this together with the LEAP group and spent some time on it but it is always something to check and adjust. Potential Agreements - we stole this from someone and may come back to it - potentially good language to use here.
Lead: Josh Necas, Sierra Edmisten, Chara Pech, Brady Rhodes
Status: In Progress
To be completed by: 2024 Q4

Activity Number / ID: C-ACT-1015
Details: The Thriving Families, Safer Children Team met on 11/29/22 and developed a definition for Lived Experience: Lived experience refers to knowledge gained from experiences of any individual whether they were impacted personally, through family or friends, or by providing services to others.
Lead: JoAnn Gieselman
Status: Completed
To be completed by: 2022 Q1