Community Action Steps
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Meetings with students at Auburn Public Schools, Sterling Public Schools and Lewiston Public Schools to follow up on youth-driven community activities and leadership
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This team comprised of parent leaders and lived experts meet monthly to build an inclusive space for lived expert voice and leadership, this includes planning and leading the quarterly Opportunity Knocks events.
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Monthly leadership, social, and enrichments activities are hosted by the BRIDGE and PEO central navigators.
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Monthly youth and parent led meetings to plan activities and share opportunities for families and young people. Activities and opportunities are focused on developing leadership.
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Buffalo County Youth Advisory Board will define a priority bill this legislative session in which to research and educate elected officials. They will work with NCFF and UNK Democracy Project to travel to Lincoln to visit with senators and present findings to the Governor. Following trip to capitol the youth will share success stories with the Collaborative, which in turn will alert schools and other community stakeholders to the success of youth in their efforts or the need for additional resources to build capacity for decision making. Outcomes: # of adults learning from youth, # of youth trained in advocacy, # of youth attending Youth Day at Capitol, funding secured to implement strategies and any bill progress/adoption or media stories of their work.
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The LEAP group is made of people from throughout the community who have experienced or are experiencing real hardship or challenges that may be unfamiliar to many others. They meet regularly to help guide the work of the Community Impact Network. We ask the LEAP Group to check the work of the Network, share your perspectives and ask you to potentially share your knowledge with one or more of the groups working on this.
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This is a mom's group made of individuals who have participated in the Plan of Safe Care initiative or have had experience dealing with a Substance Use Disorder while pregnant. The group designs marketing materials and engages in outreach in the Hastings area to share about the program. They have presented to inmates and staff at a correctional center in Columbus, NE and probation services in Hastings. The staff support member coordinates communication with 20+ agency, provider and program representatives. If you are looking for information about the Prenatal Plan of Safe Care program, contact Erin Trausch (, Mikayla Wicks ( or Jackie Moline ( )
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Leah Russell and Riley Farrington our GCC's Lived Experience Experts. Leah and Riley attend many of GCC's monthly meetings and are also a part of our BOD. Leah and Riley have provided many insights into the needs of young families in our Siouxland area. The following topics have been shared by our LEEs: •Immunization Fears or concerns •Postpartum Depression - resources •Legal THC Concerns •Family Events
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Form a youth opioid advisory council prioritizing individuals with lived experience. Utilize grant funds from state opioid resettlement and grant from region 3. Raise awareness and foster a space for advocacy for our youth.
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We are inviting "lived experience" partners to participate in Focus groups prior to our meetings in each community over the next 6 months. If these meetings are successful, we will continue this practice moving forward.
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Support members of O'Neill's Family Literacy Group.
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In collaboration with the City Councils and school districts we will work to implement a Community Cafe(s) in each city within our county. Each cafe will work toward supporting self advocacy, identifying the service gaps within their community, connect home school providers/parents, and create the idea of getting to know your neighbor.
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Twice monthly youth led meetings to work on their leadership skills, plan service projects & learn to use their voice to advocate for themselves, others and their community in a positive manner. Outcomes: increase in youth promotive and protective factors especially number of youths who report they have an adult in their life, and they feel their community appreciates them.
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Lived Experience Youth Chapters are existing, and being expanded to additional counties.
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The first subcommittee, Child, Youth, and Families, has been instrumental in launching a Youth Advisory Initiative. This group is continuously brainstorming creative ways to engage both parents and youth in positive, supportive ways. The second subcommittee, Wellbeing, recently welcomed two new co-chairs and is working diligently to develop strong and achievable goals to enhance the overall wellbeing of our community. This subcommittee is focused on creating sustainable impact in mental and physical health. The third subcommittee, Basic Needs, has been a driving force behind the development of little food pantries in York and surrounding towns. They continue to innovate and explore new ways to gather donations and ensure that everyone in our community has access to essential resources
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