Related Community Action Steps

Strategy: Implement local councils or committees comprised of lived experience partners to co-create solutions.

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Activity Number / ID: C-ACT-1000
Details: The LEAP group is made of people from throughout the community who have experienced or are experiencing real hardship or challenges that may be unfamiliar to many others. They meet regularly to help guide the work of the Community Impact Network. We ask the LEAP Group to check the work of the Network, share your perspectives and ask you to potentially share your knowledge with one or more of the groups working on this.
Lead: Brady Rhodes and Josh Necas
Status: Ongoing
To be completed by: N/A N/A

Activity Number / ID: C-ACT-1001
Details: This is a mom's group made of individuals who have participated in the Plan of Safe Care initiative or have had experience dealing with a Substance Use Disorder while pregnant. The group designs marketing materials and engages in outreach in the Hastings area to share about the program. They have presented to inmates and staff at a correctional center in Columbus, NE and probation services in Hastings. The staff support member coordinates communication with 20+ agency, provider and program representatives. If you are looking for information about the Prenatal Plan of Safe Care program, contact Erin Trausch (, Mikayla Wicks ( or Jackie Moline ( )
Lead: Pam and Erin Trausch
Status: Ongoing
To be completed by: N/A N/A