Related Community Action Steps
Strategy: Community Collaboratives and local schools work together to offer extended learning opportunities and summer learning opportunities in communities across the state.
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Activity Number / ID: C-ACT-1019
Details: CIN has been making a concerted push to enlarge outreach, communication and collaboration with ten area schools/districts within a 4-county area. Following the Full Service Community Schools model, relationships with each school/district is gradually opening partnerships and opportunities that were under-utilizied previously. The current goal is to have at least one lead collaborator within each district that knows the specific challenges/issues pertinent to that district and can work creatively with collaborative partners to bring solutions/resources to bear. Joining twice yearly meetings with superintendents, arranged by the ESU9 team, gives the collaborative a chance to remind school leaders or opportunities they might know existed.
Lead: Brady Rhodes and Drew Harris ESU9 ED
Status: In Progress
To be completed by: 2025 Q2